Today Apple announced the new 16-inch MacBook Pro, which will replace the current 15-inch model. The new MacBook Pro finally has a keyboard with a “scissors” mechanism. It also has a system of 6 speakers, an 8-core processor and up to 64 GB of RAM.
The new keyboard has a physical Escape key. This MacBook Pro can be purchased with up to 8 terabytes of internal memory. It will be possible to order a new MacBook Pro soon, but it costs from 232,990 rubles.
In a press release, the new MacBook Pro is described as a laptop with “an enlarged display, high performance, the largest battery, the best keyboard, excellent speakers and a huge amount of memory.”
The resolution of the new 16-inch display is 3072 × 1920 pixels and 226 pixels per inch.
A physical Escape key appeared on the new keyboard, but the touchbar remained. According to Apple, typing on a new keyboard will be more convenient. This will please many, because the mechanism of previous keyboards left much to be desired.
Apple has also improved its cooling system, which has increased processor performance. The new models have a 6- and 8-core processor and up to 64 GB of RAM. The new base GPU is up to 2.1 times faster than the previous standard.
Apple claims the 16-inch MacBook Pro is the first laptop in the world with up to 8 TB of memory. The standard model has 512 GB of internal memory, which is twice as much as the previous one.
The new MacBook Pro has an improved speaker system that fans of music, podcasts, etc. will definitely appreciate.