Always-on display in iPhone 14 Pro has no settings

The always-on display on the iPhone 14 Pro doesn’t have any settings. Today, the first reviews of the iPhone 14 Pro and iPhone 14 Pro Max began to appear, and with them the first details about what settings are available for the Always-On Display mode.

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One detail confirmed by today’s reviews is that the always-on display has no advanced settings, so it’s not possible to turn off the dimming of wallpapers, widgets, and Live Actions in iOS 16 at the moment. Users can’t customize the always-on display, such as what information to show on the screen during a dark screen, display a darkened wallpaper or just a black background.

However, users can turn off the always-on display entirely under Display & Brightness. Reviewers noted that it’s too early to tell if the always-on display has a significant impact on battery life, so we’ll have to wait a few weeks before we know.

The new iPhone 14 Pro and iPhone 14 Pro Max feature more energy-efficient OLED displays with variable refresh rates up to 1Hz. This is just one of several power-saving features that the iPhone 14 Pro has for the always-on display. It was revealed today from Engadget that in order to limit the impact of the always-on display on battery life, the iPhone 14 Pro pre-renders separate frames for items that change predictably, such as the time, and feeds them to the always-on display as needed.

As reported earlier this week, the iPhone 14 Pro can intelligently detect if a user with an Apple Watch on their wrist is in a room with their iPhone, and if they leave the room, the display turns off.

By disabling the AOD feature, iPhone 14 Pro saves battery life and helps protect privacy by not showing the user’s wallpapers and widgets when they are not on the display.

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