Panasonic LUMIX GH6 is more powerful in video with firmware 2.3

Panasonic LUMIX GH6 is more powerful in video with firmware 2.3. Panasonic has announced the release of firmware version 2.3 for the LUMIX GH6.

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First new in this firmware release is RAW video recording on the Blackmagic Design external recorder. Blackmagic Design’s “Blackmagic Video Assist 12G HDR” monitor/recorder allows output of 12-bit RAW video in [5.7K], [C4K], [Anamorphic (4:3) 5.8K], [Anamorphic (4 :3) 4.4K] via HDMI for saving in Blackmagic RAW format.

Also new is support for HDMI 4K 120p/100p video output: you can output C4K 120p/100p or 4K 120p/100p video to an external device via HDMI.

The DC-GH6 firmware update procedure to version 2.3 is shown on the manufacturer’s website, which is different from the normal update procedure. It takes time (approximately between 15 and 30 minutes). Panasonic reports that if the internal temperature of the device is high, such as immediately after prolonged use or when the temperature outside is high, the update will be interrupted and you may have to wait with the device turned off for about an hour until the temperature cools down. it goes down. It is recommended to avoid updating after prolonged use of the equipment or in the presence of a high external temperature.

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