The launch of the Beats Studio Buds+ is imminent

The launch of the Beats Studio Buds+ is imminent. It seems that the launch of the new Beats Studio Buds + earphones is very close. A Federal Communications Commission filing reveals that new Beats Studio Buds+ earphones with audio sharing and other features are on the way.

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In the release candidate version of iOS 16.4, developer Aaron found references to new models of AirPods and Beats. In particular, it seems that Apple has already registered the Beats Studio Buds + earphones with the FCC, just in view of an imminent launch. The updated Beats Studio Buds + could in fact arrive very soon because Apple tries to make the registration as late as possible.

According to the latest rumors, the updated Beats Studio Buds will use an Apple-developed chip rather than one manufactured by Beats and contain many features from the AirPods series. For example, there should be features like “Hey Siri” compatibility, automatic device switching, and audio sharing that aren’t in the current version.

Additionally, the new AirPods Pro case may feature a USB-C port instead of a Lightning port to comply with EU regulations.

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