The 10 things you can do with Galaxy Z Fold 4 (and not on iPhone)

The 10 things you can do with Galaxy Z Fold4 (and not on iPhone). Leaving aside the merits of the iPhones that you all know and which surpass the Fold4 on various points, from the camera to portability, however, there are 10 very useful things that the Apple smartphone can’t do.

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Multitasking between Fold4 and iPhone

The first and most obvious is multitasking. On iPhones, even those with larger screens, there’s no way to manage two or more apps at the same time, although Apple has improved things a bit with the Dynamic Island of the 14 Pros. Those looking for greater productivity though , and maybe he needs to use the Mail app while consulting a document and needs to send a message on the fly on WhatsApp, on the iPhone he has to make do.

Samsung has instead created a simple, functional and comfortable multitasking.

Three screens

Well known, ok, but we often forget that a foldable like the Samsung Fold4 has 3 screens. This means you have the convenience of a single screen when closed and all the productivity of a dual screen when needed. Of course, all this comes at the expense of weight and size and the single screen is not comparable to that of a “normal” smartphone, but those who make a choice of this type know what they are getting into.

Is it worth it? It depends on your needs.

S Pen

Years ago, Steve Jobs said that we don’t need a stylus on the iPhone and iPad because we already have 10, our fingers. Then Apple launched its Pencil and, let’s face it, it did well. On the Fold4 there is the possibility of using the Samsung S Pen, which is very convenient for taking notes on the fly, drawing, editing images with precision and much more using the huge open screen of the device.

The operating system then offers quick access to the most useful functions that can be activated via the stylus, such as notes. Here, something like this is really missing on the iPhone, at least on the Pro Max.


It’s not unique to the Fold4, but there’s no such thing on iOS: the App Sidebar. With a simple gesture, you can call up this sidebar where you can find the latest open apps and the various favorite apps that you have entered yourself. It is a really simple, convenient and fast way to quickly access the apps you use the most, without having to find them between the various pages of the Home screen, for example

And the sidebar merges into the dock, so you can create a variety of quick accesses to many more applications.

Personalization on Fold4 and iPhone

Thanks to Android, but on Fold4 you can customize everything. Absolutely all. And we’re not just talking about the graphical interface, icons or themes, but also about how the smartphone works. With Samsung’s Good Lock, for example, you can customize how notifications, screenshots, sounds and much more work.

And yes, you can install something like Dynamic Island too.


This point does not directly affect those who have a Mac, but the many users with Windows have almost complete integration thanks to the interaction with Android and specific apps from Samsung that create a sort of Apple-style ecosystem.

We have to say though that Apple is making major strides on this point, as evidenced by the recent release of native iCloud Photos for Windows.

If we talk about Mac, obviously there is no match. iPhone a thousand times.


Maybe in a year, but for now, iPhones don’t have a USB-C port, which is not only convenient because practically all other devices, including iPads, use it, but also offer faster data transfer speeds.

Again, Fold4 beats iPhone.


Folding the Fold4 and having a bottom on-screen keyboard that doubles as a base is something great for working on the go. It won’t be as comfortable as a physical keyboard, but it’s always there ready to use. Just fold your smartphone.

Samsung Dex

Samsung Dex also allows you to wirelessly connect the Fold4 to a monitor or TV to have a desktop experience, complete with any connected keyboard and mouse.

In practice, the Fold4 becomes a kind of laptop that you can connect to the monitor for basic operations ranging from writing documents and presentations, emails, web browsing and even basic photo retouching.

And the operating system becomes a “desktop”, complete with floating windows that you can position as and where you want.

WOW effect

The least useful prerogative, but it’s there. The Fold4 is to date one of the few smartphones that still manage to create the “wow” effect in people who see it for the first time.

Fold4 or iPhone?

iPhone always remains iPhone, it has a thousand qualities and many things that make it better than the Fold4 on certain points. On others, however, the game practically does not exist, at least for now.

Fold4 or iPhone?

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