Netflix Opts Out of Vision Pro App Launch, Citing Strategic Investment Focus

Netflix Opts Out of Vision Pro App Launch, Citing Strategic Investment Focus. Netflix has recently clarified its decision to not launch its app on the Vision Pro, a move that has sparked curiosity among users and industry observers. Netflix co-CEO Greg Peters, in an interview with Stratechery’s Ben Thompson, explained that this decision is rooted in the company’s strategic approach to investment and development.

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According to Peters, Netflix prioritizes investments in platforms that yield a substantial return for the company. Given the current status of Vision Pro as a niche product, it does not align with Netflix’s strategy as the device is not seen as relevant to a significant portion of its user base. This perspective guides Netflix’s decision-making process, where they assess the development effort required for integrating their service on new devices against the potential benefits to their customers.

Peters emphasized that the absence of the Netflix app on Vision Pro is not due to reluctance or a lack of desire to be on the platform. Instead, it’s about being judicious in their investments, ensuring they allocate resources to areas that generate tangible returns. While Netflix remains in ongoing discussions with Apple, the immediate future does not see the Vision Pro as a key platform for Netflix’s services.

Interestingly, Peters also mentioned the possibility of changing strategies in response to evolving market conditions and opportunities. He acknowledged the long-standing relationship between Netflix and Apple, noting that their discussions often explore ways to mutually benefit each other. Depending on how the situation evolves, there could be potential for Netflix to reconsider its stance on the Vision Pro.

However, Peters did not provide a specific explanation for why Netflix does not allow the iPad version of its app to run on the Vision Pro, especially when competitors like Disney+ are set to offer a full visionOS app on the device from day one. As it stands, Netflix remains accessible only through Safari on the Vision Pro, marking a distinct contrast in approach to the new platform compared to other streaming services. This decision reflects Netflix’s cautious and strategic approach to expansion and adaptation in the rapidly evolving tech landscape.

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