Whatsapp will support multiple accounts on Android

Whatsapp will support multiple accounts on Android. Whatsapp is about to allow access to multiple accounts from the same application: a decidedly important update that the company is currently testing through the Business version of the platform, but which should also arrive on the standard app used by the rest of the community.

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WABetaInfo talks about it in a new article in which it explains how the new beta version would offer this multi-account function, thanks to which it would be possible to add two or more accounts and switch from one to another without having to disconnect even one.

This is a very important step forward because for years the company has been particularly reluctant to offer multi-accounts. Those who really couldn’t do without it had to rely on artisanal solutions such as cloning the app, or they could opt for the phone of some OEM such as OnePlus which has been offering its own multi-account solution for Whatsapp for some time.

When the official solution is available, however, anyone will be able to connect two or more accounts and access them from a single app without too many complications, making it possible, for example, to manage the personal and work lines from the same device.

In addition to the new way to use the same Whatsapp account on two smartphones, the company has recently started working on the tablet version, although this has not yet been released to the public.

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